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1. Статья
Ши Лунин.
Исследование реформы преподавания русского языка в вузах на фоне искусственного интеллекта / Ши Лунин
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 543-546. - Библиогр.: с. 546 (6 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Обучение, Шэньян, город, Искусственный интеллект, Русский язык в высших учебных заведениях, Реформа системы образования
Аннотация: С быстрым развитием технологий искусственного интеллекта традиционная модель преподавания русского языка в вузах сталкивается с беспрецедентными проблемами и возможностями. Цель этой статьи – изучить применение искусственного интеллекта в преподавании русского языка в университетах, проанализировать изменения и преимущества, которые он приносит, а также обсудить, как лучше интегрировать технологии ИИ с преподаванием русского языка и методами его реализации в обучении, чтобы адаптироваться к новой образовательной среде и повысить качество и эффективность обучения.
2. Статья
Налчаджян Карине Агабековна.
«Базисная личность», этнокультурные ценности и глобализационные тенденции современности / Налчаджян Карине Агабековна
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 332-337. - Библиогр.: с. 336 (5 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Ереван, город, Базисная личность, Социальные институции, Этническое самосознание, Глобализация, Социально-культурная детерминация личности
Аннотация: Рассматриваются вопросы этнокультурной социализации личности и формирования ее «базисной личностной структуры». Опираясь на теоретические взгляды А. Кардинера, рассматривается влияние социальных институций на развивающуюся личность. Особое внимание уделяется системе ценностей этноса, играющей центральную роль в формировании этнического самосознания на личностном и на групповом уровнях. Подчеркивается, что глобализационные тенденции современности приводят к разрушению «базисной личностной структуры», угрожая этнокультурному разнообразию человечества.
3. Статья
Piao Xue-Tao.
Chinese logic of university governance reform in the era of popularization / Piao Xue-Tao, Shen Chen, Chen Hao-Jie
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 551-557. - Библиогр.: с. 556 (9 назв.).
Авторы: Piao Xue-Tao, Shen Chen, Chen Hao-Jie
Ключевые слова: Popularization of higher education, University governance, Quality standards, Governance paradigm, Inclusive governance logic, Centrally diverse governance logic
Аннотация: There are differences in society, culture and system between China and the United States, so we cannot simply apply Turow's theory to explain the reform of Chinese university governance in the era of popularization. On the basis of exploring the Chinese standard for the quality of higher education in the era of popularization and forming the Chinese paradigm for the governance system of higher education in the era of popularization, it is necessary to follow the «inclusive governance logic» and «centered diversified governance logic», and gradually promote differentiated governance, strengthen evidence-based governance, promote sunken governance, implement professional governance, and adhere to practical and rational governance. So as to promote the construction of higher education power.
4. Статья
Bai Peng.
Countermeasures for constructing a dual-teacher classroom model based on enhancing learning power / Bai Peng
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 664-669. - Библиогр.: с. 669 (3 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Dual-teacher classroom, Collaborative teaching, Learning ability, Teaching mode, Capability improvement
Аннотация: Discusses countermeasures for constructing a dual-teacher classroom model based on the enhancement of learning ability, focusing on how to effectively integrate online and offline teacher resources to promote the improvement of students' learning power. It also identifies common challenges in the implementation process and proposes corresponding solutions, aiming to provide guidance for educators to optimize the dual-teacher teaching model.
5. Статья
Надоян Анна Альбертовна.
Cоциально-психологические проблемы регионального центра педагогико-психологической поддержки в сфере инклюзивного образования / Надоян Анна Альбертовна
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 253-257. - Библиогр.: с. 256 (4 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Педагогика, Психология, Ереван, город, Инклюзивное образование, Развитие ребенка, Дети с особыми потребностям, Психологическая инклюзия
Аннотация: Инклюзивное образование – это образовательная система, направленная на обеспечение равного образования и включения людей с ограниченными возможностями в жизнь общества. Инклюзивное образование делает образование более доступным для всех. Предметом статьи являются все факторы, определяющие порядок функционирования системы инклюзивного образования, вызывающие социально-психологические проблемы. Цель статьи – изучить, с какими социально-психологическими проблемами сталкиваются люди, организации, реализующие инклюзивную образовательную программу, областной центр педагого-психологической поддержки и школа.
6. Статья
Yang Jie.
Exploring the paths to improve primary and secondary school teachers’ digital literacy from a field-theory / Yang Jie, Feng Xiaoyan
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 645-650. - Библиогр.: с. 649-650 (9 назв.).
Авторы: Yang Jie, Feng Xiaoyan
Ключевые слова: FIeld theory, Primary and secondary, School teachers, Digital literacy, Against
Аннотация: In the process of educational digitalization, teachers' digital literacy is a crucial factor. This article takes Bourdieu's field theory as the perspective and based on the analysis of the three dimensions of field, capital, and habitus, and finds that the current improvement of primary and secondary school teachers' digital literacy is faced with difficulties in the field, such as the dull digital atmosphere in the educational field, and teachers' digital literacy concepts. There are the difficulties of biased habits, the difficulties of cultural capital due to insufficient teachers' digital teaching capabilities, the difficulties of economic capital due to unbalanced supply of digital resources, and the difficulties of social capital due to lack of teaching and research team building. To this end, this article proposes to lead the digital atmosphere and focus on the construction of digital soft environment; reshape teachers' digital cognitive habits; strengthen digital training for primary and secondary school teachers to enhance cultural capital; integrate diverse digital resources to enhance economic capital; establish a digital learning community to expand social Capital optimization strategies.
7. Статья
Guo Kaixuan.
Practial research on quality education and artistic innovation reform in the context of first-class university construction / Guo Kaixuan
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 698-705. - Библиогр.: с. 705 (13 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Art education, Creative practice, Curriculum reform, Colleges and universities, Theoretical elaboration
Аннотация: Since the new era, the state has been paying more and more attention to art quality education, and the art quality education of college students is also facing various opportunities and challenges. This paper mainly discusses the relevant theories about art quality and its nature, and discusses the existing problems of art quality education in colleges and universities, including curriculum design, campus environment, and the development trend in the context of the new era, and finally puts forward corresponding strategies on how to promote the innovation and reform of art education. The path of implementing art quality education in colleges and universities is clarified so that it can run continuously, steadily and effectively, optimise the art cultivation and overall quality training of students in colleges and universities in an all-round way, and further improve the teaching level of colleges and universities.
8. Статья
Fan Yubin.
Promote the construction of a good scientific research ecology in the field of philosophy and social sciences with moral integrity as the first priority / Fan Yubin
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 758-768. - Библиогр.: с. 767-768 (8 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Philosophy and social sciences, Ecological construction of scientific research, Scientific research integrity, Evaluation mechanism, Social context
Аннотация: Honesty is a virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times, which plays an indelible role in the individual development of citizens and the overall construction of society. With the continuous expansion of college enrollment in recent years, the source of higher education students continues to surge, philosophy and social sciences in the field of college students in the integrity of homework plagiarism, exam fraud, resume flooding and other problems, causing evil harm to students and schools. In response to this problem, this paper proposes an improvement plan from four aspects: top-level design, grassroots practice, social supervision and campus reform, and proposes to establish and improve the evaluation mechanism of «student end», «school end», «teacher end» and «social end», so as to promote the construction of a good scientific research ecology in the field of philosophy and social sciences with moral integrity as the first priority.
9. Статья
Ye Zhang.
Relationship between interparental conflict and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: the mediating role of alexithymia and the moderating role of resilience / Ye Zhang, Lu Jia, Si-Jia Yu
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 615-629. - Библиогр.: с. 624-629 (70 назв.).
Авторы: Ye Zhang, Lu Jia, Si-Jia Yu
Ключевые слова: Interparental conflict, Non-suicidal self-injury, Alexithymia, Resilience, Adolescents
Аннотация: To investigate the relationship between interparental conflict and non-suicidal selfinjury in adolescents and the inner mechanism, 755 high school students were questionnaire. The results show that: (1) interparental conflict positively predicts the non-suicidal self-injury of adolescents (r = 0.22, p < 0.01); (2) Alexithymia plays a partial mediating role between interparental conflict and non-suicidal self-injury (effect size = 0.09, 95%BootstrapCI = [0.05, 0.13]); (3) In the moderated mediation model, resilience moderates the direct path (? = –0.08, p < 0.05) and the second half of the mediating path (? = –0.08, p < 0.05). The results have certain theoretical meaning and practical value for understanding the influencing mechanism and intervention of family interpersonal relationships on adolescent non-suicidal self-injury.
10. Статья
Li Hong Yu.
Research on decision optimization in chinese universities from the perspective of new institutionalism / Li Hong Yu
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 670-681. - Библиогр.: с. 681 (5 назв.).
Ключевые слова: New institutionalism, University, Decision-making optimizing, The decisionmaking, Environment of university power system
Аннотация: With the deepening of governance modernization in the field of higher education, the optimization of decision-making in universities has faced challenges from both internal and external aspects of the organization. Based on the theory of new institutionalism, we construct an analytical framework of «organization history rationality». From the perspectives of individual micro, institutional meso, and cultural macro, we explore that the main challenges faced by university decision-making are cultural consensus constraints, path dependence of institutional change, and limited rationality of individual choices. Therefore, the active construction of decision-making in Chinese universities should innovate the cultural environment and break cultural consensus; Innovate institutional design and break inertia dependence; Coordinate the interests of all parties and promote efforts to break bounded rationality.
11. Статья
Guo Mengyao.
Research on multiple value-added paths of normal students’ learning outcomes based on high-impact educational practices / Guo Mengyao, Piao Xuetao, Li Xiaohong
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 558-576. - Библиогр.: с. 574-576 (38 назв.).
Авторы: Guo Mengyao, Piao Xuetao, Li Xiaohong
Ключевые слова: High-impact educational practices, Normal students, Learning outcomes, Qualitative comparative analysis, Value-added
Аннотация: The cultivation of Normal students' is essential for the development of high-quality educators in China, while High-impact educational practices are a significant factor influencing the academic achievement of Normal students. This study is based on survey data of normal students at S University and uses the standardized comparative analysis method to explore the relationship between the participation of high impact education practices by normal students and the value-added of learning outcomes. By constructing an impact model between the two, it reveals the multiple impact paths of high impact education practices on the value-added of learning outcomes of normal students.
12. Статья
Ma Yiming.
Research on new horizons of art history teaching under the background of epidemic prevention and control / Ma Yiming
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 725-735. - Библиогр.: с. 735 (10 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Normalizing epidemic prevention and control, Art history theory, Teaching horizon, New development, Teaching research
Аннотация: In the context of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, this paper studies the exploration of new horizons in the overall education model of China's higher education based on the basic theory of art history. Based on the analysis of the teaching situation of art history in colleges and universities at home and abroad under the background of the epidemic, based on the advantages, necessity and existing problems of the current teaching of art history, the reform and construction of the teaching mode of art history are carried out with the four parts of «goal – content – scheme – evaluation» as the starting point, and the advantages and opportunities of the internationalization of higher education are analyzed based on art history theory. Through the joint cooperation of «teachers, students and school authorities», a new education system should be developed, the assessment method should be improved, the key position of art history theory in theoretical courses should be strengthened, the teaching method should be gradually optimized, and the training of highquality innovative talents should be promoted with the goal of national policies.
13. Статья
Cui Fan.
Research on reform ideas and measures of integration of quality education and art competition / Cui Fan
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 682-697. - Библиогр.: с. 697 (8 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Quality education, Art competition, Fusion, Reform, Initiatives
Аннотация: In order to solve the problems of teacher and student participation fatigue, serious utilitarian thinking, difficult interdisciplinary exchanges, and large space for teachers' improvement in art competitions under the background of quality education, this paper puts forward new ideas for the reform of quality education and art competitions. Using the questionnaire survey method, the survey and research on students of different grades; using the literature review method, reading a lot of related policies, literature and books to find theoretical support, the paper puts forward feasible reform ideas and implementation initiatives, from the optimization of the ecology of the competition, cultivate professional ideals, improve the quality of education, strengthen the top-level design of four aspects to explore how to stimulate students' creativity, cultivate students' comprehensive ability, so that the quality education and art The competition can better support and lead students' future growth and social needs.
14. Статья
Pan Shurui.
Research on the current situation of academic ethics and strategies in the field of research in colleges and universities / Pan Shurui
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 736-743. - Библиогр.: с. 742-743 (9 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Institutions of higher learning, Research fields, Academic ethics, Strategic research, Students in American
Аннотация: In recent years, the development of academic ethics is becoming more and more mature, but there are still a lot of cases of breach of trust and academic misconduct in the field of scientific research, college students' knowledge of scientific research and academic behaviour is superficial, and at the time of deepening the comprehensive reform of the field of scientific research, it is urgent to optimize and rationally regulate the academic behaviour in the field of scientific research in colleges and universities. In this paper, we start to analyse the concept of academic ethics, introduce the current situation of scientific research and academic ethics in today's society and the existing problems, comprehend the significance of its development, and finally put forward feasible strategies for the development of academic ethics in the field of scientific research in colleges and universities, so as to provide a solid moral foundation for the healthy development of scientific research.
15. Статья
Guo Lulu.
Research on the inheritance and dissemination path of china’s excellent traditional music culture in universities from the perspective of one belt and one road / Guo Lulu
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 794-803. - Библиогр.: с. 803 (5 назв.).
Ключевые слова: In future development, One Belt and One Road, China’s excellent traditional music culture, Сolleges and universities, Inheritance and communication
Аннотация: Culture is the foundation of a country, its blood and soul. China's excellent traditional music culture is an important part of national culture, with unique artistic charm and profound historical heritage. The proposal of the «Belt and Road» initiative has built a new platform and provided new opportunities for the dissemination and development of China's excellent music culture. This article takes the «Belt and Road» initiative as the research background and analyzes the current bottleneck issues in the inheritance and dissemination of China's excellent traditional music culture in colleges and universities. It proposes relevant strategies to provide practical reference for the inheritance and international dissemination of China's excellent traditional music culture in colleges and universities.
16. Статья
Huo Kai.
Research on the reform and practice of the dual drive fusion of «Curriculum Ideological and Political Education» and «Curriculum Aesthetic Education» in art education / Huo Kai, Gao He
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 591-602. - Библиогр.: с. 601 (11 назв.).
Авторы: Huo Kai, Gao He
Ключевые слова: Art education, Course ideological, Political education, Curriculum aesthetic education, Teaching reform
Аннотация: Based on the analysis of the current situation both domestically and internationally, it can be seen that ideological and aesthetic education has become a global consensus in art education. According to the data analysis method of ideological and aesthetic education in art exhibitions, the three-dimensional driving method of ideological and aesthetic education in art education, and the system oriented method, we will deepen the three-dimensional practice from teaching to research, mainly including integrating ideological and aesthetic education elements into the construction of the first classroom, to assist in «Curriculum Aesthetic Education» and «Curriculum Ideological and Political Education»; Focusing on artistic innovation and performance in the second classroom practice, to support the ideological and political orientation of artistic practice; Expanding academic research and promoting academic activities to support theoretical research on ideological and aesthetic education; The construction of a dual drive education team consisting of «Curriculum Aesthetic Education» and «Curriculum Ideological and Political Education» teachers in the teaching team. The purpose is to address the disconnect between ideological and political education, aesthetic education teaching, and professional teaching, to address the singularity and inadequacy of aesthetic education and ideological and political resources, and to address the value orientation, innovative development, and achievement orientation of art majors. Ultimately, the dual drive reform of «Curriculum Ideological and Political Education» and «Curriculum Aesthetic Education» will be achieved in art education, promoting the cultivation of art professionals with strong ideological and aesthetic qualities.
17. Статья
Wang Ying.
Research on the reform practice of the in-depth integration of quality education and art exhibition in colleges and universities / Wang Ying
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 769-779. - Библиогр.: с. 779 (6 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Artistic exhibitions, Quality education, Educational reform, Artistic practice, Higher education
Аннотация: China has carried out comprehensive planning and layout for the reform and development of education in the new era. It particularly emphasizes the importance of quality education. Meanwhile, the Chinese education authorities are continuously reforming educational methods, actively promoting the nationwide college student art exhibitions. Against this backdrop, combined with the current higher education environment, focusing on the close connection between art exhibitions and quality education, a reform path aimed at achieving deep integration of quality education and art exhibitions in universities has been proposed. Analyzing the current situation, it deeply explores the positive impact of this integration on students' overall quality improvement. It profoundly reveals the role and effects of art exhibitions in the process of integrating quality education, providing new proposals for the reform of higher education.
18. Статья
Li Di.
Research on the rwform of competitive education in art colleges and universities through the integration of specializeed innovation and creative innovation / Li Di, Huo Kai
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 706-716. - Библиогр.: с. 716 (8 назв.).
Авторы: Li Di, Huo Kai
Ключевые слова: Pedagogical art universities, Innovation and integration, Creative integration, Competition to educate people, Teaching reform
Аннотация: Some At present, China is in a critical period of social transformation and development, its connections with the world are more closely, and the situation and struggles in the field of ideology are more complex. New requirements are also put forward by all walks of life for highly qualified and innovative talents and professionals. In this context, the universities in our country should have a clear understanding of the important value of the integration of special innovation and creative innovation. This paper analyzes the background and context of competition education of art design majors from three aspects: national orientation, social needs, and the expectation of colleges and universities, and puts forward a competition education model combining creativity and creativity according to the characteristics of double innovation education of art colleges and universities. Marxist cultural view is the guiding theory of Chinese cultural construction.Therefore, in the process of education, colleges and universities should adhere to Marxist cultural view as the guide and integrate Marxist cultural view into college innovation and entrepreneurship education, which can effectively strengthen the value guidance of college innovation and entrepreneurship education and cultivate students' spirit and consciousness of entrepreneurship and innovation. On the basis of adhering to the leadership of creative education, we will create a mechanism and reform path for creative education, so as to form a new mode of creative education, which integrates ideological and political leadership, value creation and talent training, and strive to build a talent team for creative education in socialist colleges and universities with Chinese characteristics.
19. Статья
Xia Xinyi.
Research on the teaching reform and practice of the design studies major based on high-level art exhibitions / Xia Xinyi
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 744-757. - Библиогр.: с. 756-757 (12 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Art exhibition, Art class teaching, Aesthetic education, Educational reform, Practical research
Аннотация: Art education in colleges and universities is an important link and the main position of aesthetic education, and art exhibitions directly display the performers' abilities, and exploring the application of high-level art exhibitions in education reform has become the main trend of art education reform in colleges and universities. By analysing the connotation of art exhibition and art education reform and its interrelationship, practice the pioneering role of art exhibition in art education reform. In the later stage of practice, it is necessary to build a platform for exhibition, encourage interdisciplinary crossover, build campus brand, and coordinate social resources to promote art exhibition into colleges and universities and society, so as to optimise the teaching structure and teaching methods of art education teaching. The reform of art and design teaching is optimized and upgraded through high-level art and design exhibitions, and constantly innovated, so as to move closer to the educational goal of promoting moral education.
20. Статья
Li Xiao Qing.
The development of aesthetic education from the perspective of the integration of the five education sectors and the practical studies / Li Xiao Qing
// Традиции и новации в профессиональной подготовке и деятельности педагога. - Тверь : Тверской государственный университет, 2024. - Вып. 22. - С. 717-724. - Библиогр.: с. 724 (9 назв.).
Ключевые слова: Integration of five education, Aesthetic education development, Educational reform in the new era, The dilemma of aesthetic education, Practice research
Аннотация: «Integration of five education» is an important initiative of education reform in the new era, the development of aesthetic education is conducive to improving students' aesthetic cognition and constructing students' healthy outlook on life. Taking the integration of the five education as the starting point, we analyse the problems in the current aesthetic education, and discuss how to integrate the aesthetic education with other disciplines. Through the innovation of the concept of aesthetic education, the improvement of the evaluation mechanism and the optimization of the structure of aesthetic education provide new ideas and methods for the further development of the construction of aesthetic education.